Home Visiting Researchers Alice Baillat’s Reflections

Alice Baillat’s Reflections

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Working on my PhD research in France, I have been at ICCCAD since April 2013 as a Visiting Researcher. I am currently in Bangladesh conducting 4-months of fieldwork, as I am working on climate migration in Bangladesh, with a focus on the discursive practices surrounding this growing issue and its related political implications.

According to me, ICCCAD’s greatest asset  is undoubtedly the dynamism and diversity of profiles among the team. Mixing early-stage and experienced researchers, Bangladeshi and foreign nationals, as well as a considerable variety of academic and professional backgrounds, ICCCAD is a perfect place to develop various kinds of collaboration. Furthermore, weekly meetings, regular training and course sessions and frequent informal dinners contribute to stimulate a friendly and constructive team spirit.

Any researcher seeking to do research on climate change and adaptation issues in Bangladesh or wanting to benefit from local experience in a country at the forefront of mainstreaming adaptation, should knock on ICCCAD’s door.  ICCCAD provides many facilities and advices for those who want either conduct an individual research or be involved in a collective project in relation with thematic research areas of the centre. Moreover, undertaking a research on climate change in Bangladesh suppposes to understand the multi-faceted and interrelated challenges that are faced by this country. With the expertise and well-grounded knowledge of ICCCAD’s team and local partners, this is definitely the place to be for any person seeking to gain such an understanding of this specific context. 

By: Alice Baillat, Visiting Researcher, ICCCAD June Newsletter 2013
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